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A small group program to support women who have a complicated relationship with their bodies, food and exercise and experience low self worth.

Next round February 2023


This program is very similar to the 1:1 indivudualised program however it follows a more educational format and is done in a group setting with up to 8 wonderful women. Magic happens when a group of women come together, share their stories and work on their healing by knowing they aren't alone. 


The group program will run for 10 consecutive weeks. Each week we will have a 60-9m min group coaching call and cover a different topic that relates to your disordered relationship with your Self, food and your body.


All of these topics have been specifically chosen and set in this sequence as I have learnt in my years coaching women in a 1:1 setting that these are the 6 main areas to work on to support women in their healing journey. 



This program will;


- Help you understand why you experience a disordered relationship with food and how to change it

- Free you from the constant obsessive thoughts about your body, food and exercise

- Step off the yoyo dieting train

- Learn how to eat and move intuitively

- Understand your physical body, how it works and how not listening to it can be contributing to your disordered eating 

- Connect you back to your body and what it needs

- Learn the importance of stress reduction, self care and mindfulness and how it impacts your relationship towards your body 


This program is for you if you experience;

- Binge eating

- Restrictive eating

- Emotional eating

- Calorie and/or macro counting

- Yoyo dieting

- Desire to exercise to 'burn off' what you eat 

- Or if you are just ready to understand your body, your eating patterns and how connected they all are


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Pre program workbook

A workbook with self enquiry prompts will be sent to you a week before the program starts so you can get a deeper understanding of your current relationship with food, why you may have it and why you most want to heal it.


Week 1

Self acceptance - What it is, how to achieve it and why it's the first step in your healing journey. We also discuss body image and ways to change your current perception of your body. We will also share an opening ceremony to connect and set intention. 


Week 2 

Emotions + The 7 main reasons you may have disordered eating. There can be a number of emotion and physical reasons so we will discuss what they are and you can learn what ones you experience the most and why. This will help get to the bottom of the root cause of your disordered relationship with food and your body. 


Week 3

Intuitive eating and movement - Learn how to nourish your body by follow your intuition with food and movement and how to stop following food rules. I teach my tried and tested intuitive eating method as well as whole foods and soul foods to help you connect back to you intuition and joy with food. 


Week 4

Understanding the physical body such is hunger and satiety signals, the digestive system, cortisol, tiredness etc. All the physical factors that may be leading to your disordered eating.


Week 5

Stress reduction, self care and mindfulness in life and with food. You will learn how to prioritise self care, why its so important in your healing journey and get some practical stress reduction ideas. 


Week 6 

How your Infradian Rhythm (menstrual cycle) affects how you feel, eat and move. Women’s hormones play a HUGE roll in their life and no program would be complete without discussing them. Note: if you have PCOS, Endo, HA or are on the pill or have already been through menopause this week is still very important for you, even if your cycle is irregular or not present. 


Week 7

Bringing all of the elements you have learnt together and how they all relate. We will also share in a beautiful group closing ceremony.


Week 8 

Private 1:1 coaching call with Arabella to discuss any issues you have in private. If anything has come up of you in the group program we can discuss it privatly. We will also discuss your plan moving forward to make sure that what you have learnt becomes a lasting holistic habit.


After each group coaching session you will be sent an email with notes, self enquiry prompts to deepen your understanding of the topic and how it relates to you and some further learning on the topic. 


There will also be a private Facebook group for us all to connect. I will be available mid week to answer any questions you have in the private group (or via email if you want to ask privately).


To learn more and find out if this is the right program for you, enquire about a discovery call below. 


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