Hi, Im Arabella, a holistic health + life coach!
For over 15 years (on and off) I experienced binge eating disorder. I could barely even eat a piece of fruit without it turning into a binge eating episode. I was so disconnected from my body and my intuition, always living in a state of fear around food.
In my long and windy healing journey from obsessive calorie counter, dieter, over exerciser and binge eater I found intuitive eating... and the modality changed my life! No exaggeration!
I became more connected to and trusting of my body. This lead to two things; firstly being able to be present with my sons because I wasn't obsessing over every morsel of food that went into my mouth and secondly a spiritual journey into deep inner healing that I'm still exposing but am now able to now that I'm connected to my intuition and body.
So teaching you how to become an intuitive eater is not only my Dharma (life purpose, along with healing your relationship with your body) but something I feel very honoured to pass on.
Which is why I have created
This online program is going to help you;
Learn and master the 10 principles of intuitive eating
Learn how to trust your body and yourself around food
Enjoy food again! It will no longer be a source of stress and anxiety.
Become more connected to your body
Treat your body with kindness and compassion
Become more present in your life because your thoughts are no longer consumed by food
You know that your current relationship with food is full of rules, 'should and should and should not's' and it's causing you to feel confused, anxious and stressed around food.
I get it! I was in exactly the same place as you 10 years ago! Food was such a cause of anxiety in my life and I was constantly confused and overthinking my food choices. I just wanted someone to teach me how to eat!
But the reality is that you already know how to eat, you just need to remember! Intuitive eating is something all humans are born with but along the way we pick up diet advice and thoughts around food and our body that cause us to become confused and disconnected from what feels good in our body!
If you are ready to learn how to listen to your intuition with food and reconnect to your body... Join me!
BECOME AN INTUITIVE EATER is a 6 week 100% online program to help you do exactly that, become an intuitive eater.
Over 6 weeks I will present;
18 video modules
8+ hours of video content
Notes and self enquiry for each module
6 month access to the program (so that you actually do it and don't just sign up and forget about it. Ive certainly done that a few times! Ill be reminding you to keep progressing in the program after you enrol)
Want to learn the secrets to stepping off the binge and restrict cycle?
Watch the free workshop here!
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I watch the video modules?
When you sign up for the program you will be sent detailed instructions on how to watch the video modules and download the materials. The program will be hosted in an online learning portal called Thinkific. It is a very user friendly program so if you are not technologically minded don't fear, Its easy to navigate!
How long will I have access to the program?
It is a 6 week program. But you will have access to the content for 6 months so that if something comes up in that time you have a few weeks available to catch up. You can download and keep all of the notes and self enquiry prompts for future use. But the videos will be available to you for 6 months from signing up. Intuitive eating is a skill to be practices so most likely will take more than 6 weeks to master but the information is presented to you in 6 weeks.
What else will I get other than the videos?
A PDF of notes on the topics we discuss
Self enquiry prompts to help deepen your understanding of the topic
Once the program is completed you will also have the option to work 1:1 with me if you want to work a little deeper and will jump to the front of my waitlist!
What is the time commitment per week?
60-90 mins per week roughly.
What age is this program good for?
18 - unlimited! If you are under 18 (or are looking into this program for someone who is) please get in touch so I can chat about the severity of the binge eating and see if some 1:1 work will be more beneficial.
Do I need to bring anything?
Just yourself, a way to take notes and an open mind! You will be learning how to do things very differently to what you have done in the past! But that’s how you are going to get a different result!